James Crilly VetMB CertAVP DipECSRHM PGCert Vet Ed MRCVS
Hi there! My name is James Crilly and I graduated from the University of Cambridge in 2010, going on to join Larkmead in 2017. I have the qualifications of CertAVP PGCertVetEd DipECSRHM and a particular interest in small ruminants and grazing management. I am also a European Specialist in Small Ruminant Health Management. I am passionate about Large Animals and love spending my days with them.
The best part of my job is challenging surgeries and working with my clients to make their flocks and herds happier, healthier, and more sustainable.
My favourite animals are sheep and goats, but with a weak spot also for stoats, weasels, ferrets, and polecats.
At home I have a dog and two chickens. I enjoy shinty, gardening (but only things I can eat), hill-walking (but opportunities for this are much rarer now I have children), and travel (see previous point!). I also enjoy teaching my young children to recognise plants, so we can shock strangers with their weirdly extensive botanical knowledge.