Michal Chrustek CertAVP(ECC) MRCVS
Vet Michal CertAVP(ECC) MRCVS qualified in Poland in 2004, he joined Larkmead in 2022 and had already completed a Certificate in Advance Veterinary Practice (Emergency and Critical Care) in 2020 and a GP Certificate in Feline Practice (GPCert(FelP)) in 2012.
Michal really enjoys emergency and critical care work, which is very high paced alongside a passion for cats and feline medicine. He strives to ensure that cats, and their owners, have the best experience possible when they visit the vets.
When Michal is not at work, he enjoys kayaking on the river Thames, picking up rubbish that may injure the animals that live there. Michal is currently on the waiting list for an allotment so that he can grow his own vegetables.